CIP in Climate Actions

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Data, figures and graphs from the Climate Information Portal (CIP) have been used in project proposals to the Green Climate Fund and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) for countries such as Sierra Leone, Congo DRC and Haiti. The Portal provides climate information that is easy to use, which makes it optimal for such purposes.

Front pages of three national adaptation plans.
National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Haiti, Congo DRC and Sierra Leone.

The Climate Information Portal provides instant summary reports of climate change for any site on the globe, easy access to many pre-calculated climate indicators (both weather and water variables) and climate information guidance – all based on state-of-the-art in climate science, of the past, present and future.

Climate information in NAP:s​

Since this portal is designed especially for non-climate experts it is great to see how the output is being used in National Adaptation Plans and in applications for project funding. It is nice to see how figures have been downloaded from the Portal and added directly to the plans, says Sara Schützer, Project Manager at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).

So far, output from the Climate Information Portal has been used in writing the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Haiti, Mali, Senegal, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Congo DRC and Sierra Leone. Three of these, for Sierra Leone, Congo DRC and Haiti, has already been submitted and published in the NAP central. The plans are used to develop strategies within relevant sectors, and to help build capacity and resilience to climate change. NAPs are a valuable resource to help reduce vulnerability of the impacts of climate change as well as to facilitate the integration of climate change adaption into policies, programmes and activities on a national level. The Climate Information Portal fills a gap where there is a lack of climate information in order to make a robust plan.

The Portal significantly contributed to a major project proposal from Timor Leste, which helped it to be approved by the Green Climate Fund. Similar contribution to a future project for the Maldives is currently under consideration, says Amir H. Delju, Senior Scientific Officer at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

High level of satisfied users

User feedback is important when to ensure that the climate data and information are easily accessible and user-friendly. Based on a recent survey, summarized in the graph below, the users are often satisfied with the Portal.

We are constantly asking for feedback during workshops, in surveys and though our feedback form at the website. Some of our recent updates were made thanks to comments from our users, says Dr Frida Gyllensvärd, who leads the technical development of the portal.
Statistics for "How satisfied are you with the services available at"
Average scores of answers from some 30 users, who recently submitted the feedback form at

The Climate Information Portal is developed since 2018 by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Read more on the development process here.